小森 桃子

ドール・コーディネイト・レシピ〈2〉プリティーブリティッシュ―ブライス、リカちゃん、momoko DOLL、タイニー・ベッツィー他のお洋服作り

ドール・コーディネイト・レシピ〈2〉プリティーブリティッシュ―ブライス、リカちゃん、momoko DOLL、タイニー・ベッツィー他のお洋服作り 人気ランキング : 33452位
定価 : ¥ 1,575
販売元 : グラフィック社
発売日 : 2006-02
発送可能時期 : 通常24時間以内に発送
価格 : ¥ 1,575
Definitely recommend

This is a really fantastic pattern book, though not all of the patterns are for Blythe. The Licca patterns included will fit her though and vice versa because the Takara company uses pretty much the same body for both dolls.
The instructions are fairly easy to understand even if you don't read Japanese because there are detailed technical drawings. You'd want to have a reasonable knowledge of garment construction though.
These patterns are based on Vivienne Westwood fashions- most of it is taken from the fairly feminine more recent English-inspored collection, that whole Harris-tweed thing she was into, but there is stuff from her punk era, there are even little bondage-pants like what the Sex Pistols wore! Classic! There's a pic in there of Blythe done up like Johnny Rotten.
One complaint I do have is that some of the patterns, even for the same doll, are so similar that it amounts to being a waste. If the only difference between two shirt patterns, for example, is that one of them has a different collar, wouldn't it make more sense to just supply two different collar variations for one of them rather than give the whole pattern again, with just that one piece done differently, on another page?
Overall though I am very pleased with this book and will be ordering more of the series









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